company profile

Eskenazi Health

Throughout the neighborhoods of Indianapolis, Eskenazi Health offers convenient primary care facility options. Residents can see a primary care provider for illnesses or to maintain good health Services include: Physical exams Mental health services Prenatal care Pregnancy testing WIC (Women, Infant and Children) services Family planning Doulas (for those who meet eligibility criteria) Social services and access to community health workers Nutritional counseling Lifestyle Health & Wellness group education programs Lab testing Immunizations

Hello, everyone. My name is Chris Schaffer. I am currently serving as one of the Primary Care Area Operations Directors. I have been with Eskenazi Health Center since July 2022. I am also a United States Navy Veteran. I was an active-duty Corpsman for 15 years. Eskenazi is one of the most culturally and background diverse organizations that I have ever been part of. We take pride and emphasis on hiring individuals within our community, which also includes our veterans. Working at Eskenazi I am able to take my skills and experience gained from almost two decades of military medicine experience and incorporate it into my day-to-day operations as a leader and mentor. One of my biggest fears when I left active duty was losing the comradery and team environment that we hold so close. I can say whole heartedly since joining this organization I feel just as at home and part of a team, truly making a difference on a daily basis.
Chris Schaffer, MBA-HCM, United States Navy, Primary Care Area Operations Director

Career Pathways at Eskenazi Health

Registered Nurse

Assess and assist with diagnosing patients.
Median Salary:$72,000
Desired Skillsproblem-solving skills, self-discipline, physically fit

Eskenazi Health Careers - Primary Care

Eskenazi Health Careers - Primary Care
Eskenazi Health Careers - Primary Care

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What's Eskenazi Health all about?

official website

What's Eskenazi Health all about?

official website
At Eskenazi Health Center our mission is to Advocate, Care, Teach, and Serve (ACTS) with a special emphasis on the vulnerable population of Marion County. We believe that if every employee and representative of Eskenazi Health lives our core values of Professionalism, Respect, Innovation, Development, and Excellence (PRIDE), the result will be an excellent, compassionate experience for all. Our team is like no other, and our mission and PRIDE values are our compass for all that we do and all that is important to us. Through our values, you will see our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and to doing what is right. We work to ensure not only positive patient and visitor experiences but also a productive and healthy employee work life.

Where is Eskenazi Health Located?

Eskenazi Health is located in Indianapolis, IN, which is situated in Central Indiana. World-class sporting events and museums, nationally renowned chefs, and thriving arts and cultural districts define life in Central Indiana. With a median, single-family home price under $200,000, learn more about the affordability of one of the Midwest’s largest cities.